Genshin Impact Spring of the First Dewdrop – Locations, Respawn Times & Uses

Spring of the First Dewdrop locations

Are you looking for ways to ascend your Genshin Impact characters to their highest levels? If so, you’ll need to find Spring of the First Dewdrops. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about this material, including its locations, respawn times, and uses.

What is the Spring of the First Dewdrop in Genshin Impact?

The Spring of the First Dewdrop is a limpid drop of dew floating amidst the waters of the Morte Region. It is a pure and primordial form of Elemental Energy, and it is used to ascend characters to their maximum level. Currently, the only characters that require the Spring of the First Dewdrop are Furina and Charlotte. However, it is likely that future characters from Fontaine will also require this material.

Spring of the First Dewdrop Locations

To locate the Spring of the First Dewdrop, explore the Morte Region and keep an eye out for scattered drops amidst the waters. Some of these drops are hidden within giant clam shells, which can be opened by hitting them.

The primary location for finding Spring of the First Dewdrop is near the Sealed Ruined Tower in the Morte Region, which is associated with the Narzissenkreuz Ordo series. Even as the tower submerges underwater during the progression of the World Quest, the availability of dewdrops remains unaffected.

Respawn Time and Gathering Tips

Like other Local Specialties, the Spring of the First Dewdrop follows a respawn time of 48 hours. Here are some tips for efficient gathering:

  • Re-Login or Teleport: To witness the magical reappearance of the Spring of the First Dewdrops, re-login to the game or teleport from the farthest waypoint to the location.
  • Co-op Mode: If you’re running low on Spring of the First Dewdrops in your own world, consider venturing into other players’ worlds through Co-op mode to gather more.

With this guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge of the Spring of the First Dewdrop in Genshin Impact. Use this information to efficiently gather these materials for character ascension and make the most out of the latest update. Best of luck on your adventures in the Fontaine region!
