What is best Puzzle maps for Minecraft ?
Puzzle maps are designed to challenge your critical thinking skills and often require you to follow directions to fully enjoy them.
How to install Puzzle maps for Minecraft (Java version on PC/Mac) ?
Most of the Minecraft maps that you can download will probably be archived in a .zip or .rar file. The folders and files contained in this file must be extracted into your Minecraft saves folder.
If you have a Mac, the “Archive Utility” built into OS X will be able to open .zip files by right-clicking the .zip and selecting “Open With> Archive Utility”,.
Once you’re ready to extract the map, you’ll need to locate your Minecraft saves folder. Follow steps below :
1.) Open the Minecraft launcher.
2.) Select “Launch Options” in menu.
3.) Click “Add New” at the top next to the + sign.
4.) Locate where it says “Game Directory” and click the green arrow next to the folder icon.
5.) Your saves folder will be here.
List 6 best Puzzle maps for Minecraft in 2022 :
1. The Puzzle Cube
The Puzzle Cube is a Minecraft map with a great trick: you can walk on the sides of the cube. Starting from the outside of the cube, you must solve puzzles on all sides to advance to the central chamber.
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2. Enigma Island
Enigma Island has its own clue system that hints at whatever puzzle you’re particularly stuck in for diamonds – manage your resources carefully to get past it.
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3. 30 Ways to Die
In this puzzle map you have to die to get through to the next level. Note: This is a singleplayer map.
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4. Portalcraft
This Minecraft adventure map is based on the popular video game portal. None of the levels are based on levels in the real game. This map requires the portal gun mod made by ichun
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5. The Code
The Code is a puzzle map for Minecraft. In it you need to solve a puzzle to get a code, each solution is in code form. If you change the paper name to that code using an anvil, then throw the paper into a hopper, a new room will open. There are 30 puzzles.
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6. Beyond Perception
Beyond Perception is a visual puzzle map for Minecraft that uses in-game mechanics that are rarely seen and / or used; turning off the shading!
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