What is Oceano Shaders for Minecraft ?
Oceano Shaders works mainly with lighting, reflections and refraction of light. The effects on water are immediately observable. The reflections in the water become very clear. There is a certain mirror effect applied to bodies of water that brings it much closer to the real appearance of water.
How-To Install Oceano Shaders for Minecraft ?
Follows 5 Steps bellow to install Oceano Shaders :
- Download and install the Optifine HD on your Minecraft client!
- Now go to:
- Mac OS X => ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
- Linux => ~/.minecraft
- Windows => %appdata%\.minecraft
- Search for the “shaderpacks” folder.
- Copy downloaded zip file in the shaderpacks folder.
- Select shader in-game from Options -> Video Settings -> Shaders.
- Minecraft 1.7.10 or above, 1.17.x or 1.18.x is highly recommended.
- The latest version of Optifine.
- A discrete GPU.
How to install Minecraft Forge
Minecraft Forge is a Modding API that makes it very easy to install a number of different Minecraft mods. This guide will explain how to correctly install Forge.
1. Visit the Forge website, choose the Minecraft version you would like to run from the sidebar on the left, then download the installer.
2. Open the .jar file you have just downloaded, make sure ‘Install client’ is selected and click OK. Once this has finished you will see a success message.
3. Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile then click Play.
4. You should now see the Minecraft Forge text in the lower left hand corner and a Mods button below Multiplayer.
If so, congratulations, you have successfully installed Minecraft Forge
Oceano Shaders Screen shot :

Dowload link Oceano Shaders for Minecraft :
Download links:
[1.19.x – 1.15.x] Download Oceano Shaders
[1.14.x] Download Oceano Shaders
Official links: