Genshin Impact Chevreuse Best Build: Weapons, Artifacts & Team Comps

Chevreuse, the fiery polearm wielder, has blazed onto the scene in Genshin Impact, leaving players wondering how to harness her full potential. Fear not, fellow travelers! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to build and master the Pyro powerhouse, Chevreuse.

Genshin Impact Chevreuse Best Build


Song of Days Past

This set maximizes her healing potential and amplifies her team’s damage. Every bit of healing she provides becomes a ticking time bomb, unleashing an 8% damage boost on the next attack. Perfect for supporting heavy hitters like Raiden Shogun or Xiangling.

Noblesse Oblige

Chevreuse’s burst already buffs Pyro and Electro damage. This set adds a 20% ATK bonus for the whole team, making her a fantastic support for any DPS-focused lineup.

Team Comps

Chevreuse’s true flame burns brightest when fueled by Electro partners. The Overload reaction is her bread and butter, so teams with at least one Electro and one Pyro are essential.

The crown jewel of Chevreuse’s ensemble is the “Overload Dream Team”: Chevreuse, Raiden Shogun, Bennett, and Xiangling. Raiden ignites enemies with Electro, Bennett fuels the fire with Pyro and buffs the team, and Xiangling’s fiery blades dance alongside Chevreuse’s, creating a symphony of devastation.

While the “Overload Dream Team” is undeniably potent, other Electro partners can spark exciting combos. Consider Yoimiya and Fischl for sustained Pyro application or Yae Miko and Xiangling for a faster-paced Overload dance.


While several weapons can serve Chevreuse well, some ignite her potential more than others. For F2P Travelers, the humble Black Tassel reigns supreme. Its HP% substat complements Chevreuse’s scaling, and its universal buff makes it a reliable choice.

But don’t discount the ever-helpful Favonius Lance. While its substat Energy Recharge isn’t ideal for Chevreuse herself, its passive generates energy particles for your team, easing their Energy Recharge burden.

For those blessed with gacha luck, options like Rightful Reward and Staff of Homa shine even brighter.

Armed with the knowledge of the best weapons, artifacts, team compositions, and rotations, you are now equipped to master Chevreuse in Genshin Impact.
