Best Team Compositions for Kamisato Ayaka in Genshin Impact 4.3

Kamisato Ayaka, the Cryo Princess, has returned to Genshin Impact in the 4.3 update, and her icy touch is stronger than ever. But to truly unleash her blizzarding potential, you need the right team by her side. That’s where our guide comes in handy.

Best Team Compositions for Ayaka in Genshin Impact 4,3

Ayaka, Kazuha, Kokomi, Shenhe

This power team is a Cryo blizzard in human form. Shenhe amplifies Ayaka’s Cryo damage, Kazuha swirls away enemy defenses, and Kokomi keeps the party afloat with healing and Hydro application for permanent freezes. This combo dominated the recent Spiral Abyss, proving its potency.

Ayaka, Rosaria, Kokomi, Kazuha

Don’t have Shenhe? Rosaria is a fantastic substitute! Her Cryo Resonance and CRIT Rate buffs complement Ayaka, while Kazuha and Kokomi maintain the core functionalities. This team may not reach the same heights, but it can still handle most content effectively.

Ayaka Best Team Compositions
Image via HoYoVerse

Ayaka, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Diona

This F2P quartet brings a different flavor to the freeze party. Diona shields, heals, and charges batteries, while Sucrose groups and buffs with Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers. Xingqiu, the Hydro maestro, keeps enemies frozen and supports Ayaka’s DPS. This team may not be top-tier, but it’s a reliable and accessible way to experience Ayaka’s freeze power.

Ayaka, Ganyu, Kokomi, Ayato

This unique composition features both Kamisato siblings, alongside Ganyu and Kokomi. Ayato and Ganyu’s wide-range bursts provide constant freeze and damage, while Kokomi heals and buffs Ayaka, the designated main DPS. This team is a symphony of Cryo and Hydro, showcasing the power of synergy and elemental reactions.

Image via HoYoVerse

Ayaka, Kazuha, Ganyu, Shenhe

Ditching Hydro, this team focuses on pure Cryo dominance. Kazuha groups and buffs, Shenhe empowers Ayaka and Ganyu, and the two Cryo queens unleash a blizzard of icy devastation. While they lose the Freeze benefits of Blizzard Strayer, their sheer damage potential is undeniable.

With the right teammates by her side, Kamisato Ayaka reigns supreme on the battlefield. So, choose your weapons, freeze your foes, and let the Cryo Queen lead you to victory in Genshin Impact!
