Unlocking the Mystery: Fortnite LEGO Party Limit Explained

Fortnite LEGO Party Limit
Image via Epic Games

Fortnite’s new LEGO mode promises an expansive world of creativity and adventure, but how many players can join in the fun? While the exact party limit remains unconfirmed, clues point towards a significant departure from typical survival crafting games.

Fortnite LEGO Party Limit

Unlike most games in the genre, which limit players to four per server (except Minecraft), LEGO Fortnite will allow up to eight players to explore and build together in a single world.

We can glean this information from various sources. Firstly, when viewing the LEGO Fortnite game within Fortnite itself, you’ll see tags like “survival,” “co-op,” “open world,” and “sandbox” alongside the “By Epic” tag. Interestingly, it also mentions support for up to eight players.

Key Holders and Unrestricted World Access

But the real game-changer is the Key Holder system. Unlike traditional server-based games where only the host has control, LEGO Fortnite allows the world owner to grant “keys” to all eight players. This means all Key Holders can freely enter and exit the world anytime, regardless of the owner’s presence. This freedom is facilitated by Epic Games’ powerful server infrastructure, storing game data server-side instead of relying on individual players.

Image via Epic Games

What does this mean for players? Imagine building a vast city or embarking on a grand adventure with seven friends, all contributing their skills and creativity. With LEGO Fortnite, this collaborative dream becomes a reality. Additionally, the Shared World feature allows you to invite up to 16 players simultaneously, including a friend playing couch co-op with you!

LEGO Fortnite offers a truly unique multiplayer experience, allowing for unprecedented levels of collaboration and shared creativity. So gather your friends, unleash your imagination, and get ready to build something truly extraordinary!
