Fortnite Guide – How to recover & open a Combat Cache

Fortnite recover Combat Cache

One of the most recent weekly challenges in Fortnite requires players to recover a Combat Cache. As long as the cache is not being fought over by other players, it can be finished in a short amount of time.

Fortnite Guide – How to recover a Combat Cache

Combat Cache locations

Before you can figure out how to get a Combat Cache back in Fortnite, you need to know how to find them. During a game, a small symbol will pop up on the screen every so often to show the cache. It will show how far away it is and in what general direction it is. If you get lost, it will send a beam up, so keep an eye out for that.

Combat Cache loot

That beam will initially be golden, indicating the level of loot you will find there. The longer you wait to open it, the more it degrades, giving you worse weapons when you finally do.

You’re encouraged to grab it as soon as possible, just like you used to rush to a player-planted tree with Mythic loot at the start of the game in previous seasons. And, just like those trees, the higher the loot level, the greater the risk you take in aiming for the prize. Everyone desires it.

When the cache is fully opened, it will fire weapons, ammo, and (if it’s gold) Slurp Juice.

Fortnite Guide – How to open a Combat Cache

When you find a combat cache, hover over it and click the interact button. Once you’ve started the countdown, it takes some time to open, so bunker down and wait for enemies.

Combat Caches are great ways to get yourself ready to win the game early on. They’re basically high-tier loot locations that spawn at random. They can be difficult to find if others are looking for them as well, but they give you an advantage in the final stages of a match.

That’s all you need to know to recover a Combat Cache in Fortnite.
