DMZ Guide – How to beat the Rhino boss

DMZ Rhino boss

Below, you’ll find a detailed guide on how to defeat Rhino, a recently introduced boss who can be found deep within Koschei Complex in DMZ.

DMZ Guide – How to beat the Rhino boss

Both the Rhino and Sniper bosses appear simultaneously when you reach the far end of the Factory Admin room in the Koschei Complex. The Rhino boss will be in the middle of the enormous room, and the Sniper will be on the second floor with his rifle. He stands out from the rest of the bad guys thanks to the riot shield strapped to his back and the green lasers on his weapons.

When the shooting begins, the Rhino will throw smoke throughout the room, and more soldiers will appear. Before engaging, make sure to eliminate any additional enemies. The key from there is to simply cause as much damage as possible. Your best friends are cluster mines, anti-armor rounds, and high capacity weapons.

It’s also important to keep your distance because the Rhino boss is all about rushing you with melee weapons. That is, firing some shots and fleeing will save you from a quick death. Munitions boxes will also come in handy, as the Rhino will require more than a few hundred bullets to bring down.

After defeating Rhino, you can take the GS Magna from his loot bag.

This brings us to the end of this DMZ Rhino Boss guide.

About DMZ

DMZ is an extraction game mode that was introduced with the release of Warzone 2.0. In DMZ, players fight AI-controlled and player-controlled opponents to exfiltrate loot from the playable area (also known as the Exclusion Zone). Faction missions can expand players’ inventories, giving them more guaranteed loadout weapon slots or the chance to unlock base weapons and cosmetic rewards for Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II.
