COD DMZ Guide – How to get the FTAC Siege

FTAC Siege dmz

Added to DMZ with the Season 3 Reloaded, FTAC Siege is a fully automatic machine pistol with a full suite of exciting new attachments. If you’re wondering how to get it, look no further than our guide.

COD DMZ Guide – How to get the FTAC Siege

To unlock to the FTAC Siege, players must kill 50 enemies with a sidearm while hipfiring. This is possible in all game modes, including DMZ, MW2, and Warzone 2.

Hipfire kills are those accomplished solely through the use of the crosshair and reflexes, rather than by aiming down sights. There are some methods that can be used to simplify this challenge:

  • Play on small maps or modes with a lot of close-quarters combat, like Shipment or Team Deathmatch.
  • To maximize your damage output, aim for your enemies’ chests or heads.
  • Use a hipfire-accurate handgun, such as the M19 or the Renetti.
  • Equip hipfire attachments such as lasers or grips to improve your accuracy.

It should be noted that in order to complete this challenge, you must specifically eliminate operators, which are other players. AI kills will not contribute to the quest. Because of the low respawn timer, we recommend prioritizing Plunder matches whenever the game mode is in rotation.

While achieving 50 kills is the only free way to get the pistol, the FTAC Siege is also available in a bundle that can be purchased from the store if players don’t want to grind for it. Before purchasing, check the contents of each bundle to ensure that the handgun is included.

Once you’ve unlocked the FTAC Siege, you can equip it to any loadout you want.

This concludes our guide on how to obtain the FTAC Siege in the COD DMZ.
