Amy Adams Says She Doesn’t Have Many Friends

Actress Amy Adams has admitted that with her hectic work schedule, she finds it hard to have a social life. She describes herself as a “home sort of person” and says that because she is so often traveling, when she does make it back home, she’s only interested in staying in and splitting her time between her partner and her young daughter Aviana who they try to give special outings:

”I don’t have a lot of friends or a social life. I’m a stay at home sort of person. I travel so much for work so when I get home I just want to stay there. We’re pretty ordinary. On Saturday I get up early and go to the grocery store – it’s empty then. Afterwards we usually do some sort of outing with Aviana. We try to have as much family time as we can.”

Commenting on long-time love Darren Le Gallo, Amy says that he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t feel competitive with other couples and is genuinely nice. He is great fun to bring to parties and events because he becomes the center of attention and can talk to anyone around him:

”He’s not the jealous sort at all, and he’s never seen us as being in competition. He’s such a nice person. He’s charismatic, but not in a cheesy way. If he comes to an event with me, I disappear because he’s so wonderful. He can talk to anybody. If I go into a room full of people, I need to take a couple of breaths and have a cocktail, but Darren’s just great, he’s a rare bird.”