WoW Classic: How to Get the Boon of Blackfathom World Buff

wow classic Boon of Blackfathom
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

World buffs are a staple in WoW Classic, and the Season of Discovery brings a new one to the table: the Boon of Blackfathom. This buff grants players a significant advantage, making it a must-have for any serious player.

What is the Boon of Blackfathom Buff in WoW Classic?

Introduced in Season of Discovery, the Boon of Blackfathom offers an impressive array of benefits:

  • 2% increased critical chance for spells, melee, and ranged attacks
  • +20 Attack Power
  • +20% movement speed

Boon of Blackfathom lasts for two full hours, giving you ample time to reap its benefits. However, it does not persist through death. Don’t worry though, you can store the buff using a Chronoboon Displacer for later use, ensuring you don’t miss out on its power.

How to Obtain Boon of Blackfathom

To claim the Boon of Blackfathom, you’ll need to be in either Thunder Bluff or Darnassus when a player completes the Perfect Blackfathom Pearl quest. This quest is triggered by an item dropped by Aku’mai, the final boss of the Blackfathom Deeps raid, newly introduced in Season of Discovery.

There are two ways to approach this challenge:

  • Wait patiently: You can simply wait in either Thunder Bluff or Darnassus for someone else to turn in the quest and trigger the world buff. This is a passive approach, but may require patience depending on the activity on your server.

  • Take the initiative: If you’re feeling adventurous, you can attempt to obtain the Perfect Blackfathom Pearl yourself. This involves defeating Aku’mai and looting the quest item. While challenging, this approach allows you to control the timing of the buff and potentially even share it with your guildmates.

Whether you choose to patiently wait or actively pursue the buff, the Boon of Blackfathom is a valuable asset for any WoW Classic player. So, gather your allies, prepare for battle, and delve into the depths of Blackfathom Deeps – the power awaits!
