Warzone 2.0 DMZ Guide – Where to find a GPU

The graphics processing unit (GPU) is among the many intriguing and seemingly useful items in Warzone 2.0’s DMZ mode. How to locate it is detailed below.

Warzone 2.0 DMZ Guide – Where to find a GPU

The GPU in DMZ can be sold for a high price of $16,000, making them extremely difficult to find. In order to complete a faction mission in DMZ, players will also need to deliver one GPU to a cemetery. Fortunately, there are some areas on the DMZ map that have a higher spawn rate for GPUs.

A GPU can be found at the Chemical Storage Warehouse, which is located in the Quarry POI’s quadrant D3. This location is in the northwest corner of Al Mazrah. Unfortunately, you will require the Chemical Storage Warehouse key, which can be difficult to locate.

No matter how you get into the warehouse, the GPU will be sitting on a metal shelf inside. There will also be gold bars on the shelf, allowing you to make out like a bandit.

Apart from the warehouse, GPUs can be found in a variety of locations throughout Al Mazrah. However, the Gaming Studio, Police Headquarters, and any office are the most likely spawn points for GPUs. Essentially, players want to look in areas with a high level of technology. You should look inside computers at these locations because that’s where the majority of the GPUs will spawn.

That’s all the places in the DMZ where you can look for a GPU.

About DMZ

DMZ is an extraction game mode that was introduced with the release of Warzone 2.0. In DMZ, players fight AI-controlled and player-controlled opponents to exfiltrate loot from the playable area (also known as the Exclusion Zone). Faction missions can expand players’ inventories, giving them more guaranteed loadout weapon slots or the chance to unlock base weapons and cosmetic rewards for Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II.
