DMZ Upgraded Arsenal Mission Guide – How to attach a suppressor to a weapon at a workbench

dmz attach a suppressor to a weapon

In order to complete the DMZ Upgraded Arsenal mission, you must find a new in-game workbench and attach a suppressor to a weapon. Even though using the new crafting system is relatively easy, completing this mission is not very obvious.

DMZ Upgraded Arsenal Mission Guide – How to attach a suppressor to a weapon at a workbench

There are a few things you should remember if you want to complete this Upgraded Arsenal mission successfully.

First, remove any other weapons that are currently attached to the suppressor. Only after this can you equip the suppressor using the Workbench’s Muzzle option. This method is very similar to Weapon Tuning, which was part of your loadout before entering the DMZ.

Second, not all suppressor components are compatible with all guns, so it’s important to consider the type of weapon you’re trying to attach the suppressor to before you begin. Different guns require different grips, chokes, and muzzles, so it is best not to assume that a random suppressor will work for every weapon.

A suppressor can be purchased in the Contraband Workbench, located beneath the Muzzle section of your weapon if you haven’t already found one. To equip suppressors, simply go to your weapon’s upgrade menu, click the Muzzle tab, and then scroll to the right until you reach the suppressors.

If you have used a suppressor before, you can easily attach it to the firearm of your choice; otherwise, you will have to pay to have one installed. Even though it’s inconvenient, doing so is necessary for the Redacted Tier 1 Mission: Upgraded Arsenal.

You can now go to a workbench in COD DMZ and attach a suppressor to your weapon with confidence.

About DMZ

DMZ is an extraction game mode that was introduced with the release of Warzone 2.0. In DMZ, players fight AI-controlled and player-controlled opponents to exfiltrate loot from the playable area (also known as the Exclusion Zone). Faction missions can expand players’ inventories, giving them more guaranteed loadout weapon slots or the chance to unlock base weapons and cosmetic rewards for Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II.
