Pet Simulator X Party Tiger & Huge Cupid Corgi – How to get, price, and value

Pet Simulator X Party Tiger

How to get the Party Tiger and Huge Cupid Corgi, as well as their prices and values in Pet Simulator X, are all covered here.

Pet Simulator X Guide – Party Tiger

How to get 

Obtainable by hatching Update Hype Gift #2, the Party Tiger is a special Event pet that was introduced on February 4, 2023. You can obtain this egg by logging in to the game exactly 10 minutes before a content update is released. One of these eggs has a fifteen per cent chance of hatching a Party Tiger.

Pet Simulator X Party Tiger 1


  • Normal: 400,000,000
  • Golden: 1,200,000,000
  • Rainbow:  4,800,000,000
  • Dark Matter: 16,000,000,000

Keep in mind that prices are constantly changing, and when a new update is released, you may notice some drastic changes in value. Once the ability to obtain a pet has been removed, the value will almost certainly increase.

Pet Simulator X Guide – Huge Cupid Corgi

How to get

Huge Cupid Corgi is an Event pet that was added to the game on February 11, 2023. You can get it by hatching a Valentine’s Egg. During the 2023 Valentine’s Day Event, you can buy this egg with Valentine’s Currency. No one knows what the chances are that one of these eggs will hatch into a Huge Cupid Corgi.


  • Normal: 100,000,000,000
  • Golden: 300,000,000,000
  • Rainbow: 1,200,000,000,000

What are the different Pet rarities?

The game currently has six pet rarities: Normal, Golden, Rainbow, Dark Matter, and Shiny. Shiny is the only rarity that you cannot specifically create, making it the most difficult to obtain. More rarities will almost certainly be added to the game in the future.

About Pet Simulator X

Pet Simulator X, also known as PSX, is the third installment in the Pet Simulator franchise. The objective of the game is to collect coins and gems to unlock powerful pets. You can use coins to purchase new biomes and hatch pets from eggs. As the player advances, new worlds will be unlocked, some of which will introduce new game mechanics and features.