LoLdle Quote Answer – What Champion says “Feeding time!”

loldle quote Feeding time

The Loldle quote for today is just two simple words that pose a fun challenge: “Feeding time!” With over 150 champions in League of Legends, which one could this quote possibly belong to?

LoLdle Quote Answer – What Champion says “Feeding time!”

Revealing the solution to this captivating quote, we find that it belongs to none other than Kog’Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss. Congratulations to all of you who have successfully discovered the answer!

But the fun doesn’t end here. Beyond the daily quote challenge, LoLdle offers engaging variants like Splash, Emoji and Abilities modes. Splash mode tasks players with identifying Champions based on details from their splash art. Emoji provides cryptic emoji clues to decode. And Abilities mode challenges your knowledge of Champions’ in-game skills.

And if you’re in need of answers and guidance for these modes, look no further than our comprehensive guide. It’s packed with solutions to ensure you conquer every challenge that LoLdle throws your way.

We hope that this article has provided you with the solution you were seeking. Remember to check back tomorrow for new and exciting Loldle challenges.