Jagged Alliance 3: How to Recruit Spike Scallion – Your Elite Free Merc Guide

spike scallion jagged alliance 3

In Jagged Alliance 3, having an elite mercenary like Major Spike Scallion can significantly boost your team’s power, but recruiting him won’t be an easy task. Learn how to impress him and secure this high-stats mercenary to join your crew without spending a dime.

Jagged Alliance 3: How to Recruit Spike Scallion – Your Elite Free Merc Guide

Locating Spike Scallion

To recruit Spike Scallion, you must first find his location on the map. He’s stationed at the top-right corner of the map in sector A20, a fortified area guarded by elite Legion troops. But there’s a twist – once the battle commences, he’ll issue orders to his men to kill President LaFontaine, creating a challenging situation.

Strategy for Recruiting Spike Scallion

Recruiting Spike Scallion requires careful planning and execution. Follow these steps to maximize your chances of getting him on your team:

  • Split your mercenaries into two teams – one to clear out the spearhead of the Legion’s forces and another to approach from the eastern side close to Spike’s tent.

  • Have your western team engage the Legion forces and wait for the Brutes and Sniper to clear out from the eastern side. If your eastern team gets spotted, take them into battle as well.
  • When Spike and his personal guard become visible, ensure they don’t target the President. Draw their attention towards your mercs instead. Engage them from a safe distance and focus on hitting Spike in the arms each turn to minimize his lethality.
  • Defeat Spike and his guards in battle, but don’t kill him.
  • Speak to Spike after the battle and prepare for an influence check. When asked why he attempted to kill the President, choose the dialogue option “You were a merc like us, Spike.” Avoid suggesting that Biff is his friend, as it can lead to a loss of influence. Also, steer clear of the “You will answer for this” option, which may lead to his incarceration.

  • After passing the influence check, you should see the option “What if WE hire you?” Choose this option, and Spike Scallion will become a valuable member of your team.

Congratulations! With Spike Scallion on your side, you’ve added an exceptional mercenary to your roster. As a skilled leader with high Leadership and Marksmanship, Spike can significantly contribute to your team’s success in battles and missions.

Now that you know how to recruit Spike Scallion, embark on this exciting quest and add this elite free mercenary to your roster. Strengthen your team and embrace victory as you face the treacherous challenges of Jagged Alliance 3.
