How to Get the Gunpowder Needed for Ammo Crafting in Jagged Alliance 3

jagged alliance 3 gun powder

In this guide, we’ll reveal a clever method to obtain gunpowder in Jagged Alliance 3, keeping your team well-armed for battles ahead.

How to Get the Gunpowder Needed for Ammo Crafting in Jagged Alliance 3

To get gunpowder in Jagged Alliance 3, you’ll need wire cutters and explosives. Gunpowder is a byproduct of explosives, which can be extracted through a simple process:

  • Scavenge for wire cutters, an essential tool for extracting gunpowder. You can often find these early in the game, providing an early opportunity for crafting ammo.
  • Gather explosives such as TNT, C4, and Pipe Bombs. These items can be scavenged or purchased from specific vendors in the game.

Once you have both the wire cutters and explosives in your possession, follow these steps to extract gunpowder:

  • Head to your inventory and locate the wire cutters.
  • Right-click on the wire cutters and select the “Combine” option. A small pop-up window will appear.

  • In the empty slot beside the wire cutters, place one of the explosives you have acquired.
  • After combining the wire cutters with the explosive, you will successfully obtain gunpowder.

Now that you have ample gunpowder at your disposal, head to the Operations menu and select the “Craft Ammo” option. With sufficient gunpowder, you can now manufacture a steady supply of bullets for your mercs. However, exercise caution while crafting 5.56 Standard ammo, as it may currently be bugged, costing 30 parts per 30 bullets – an exorbitant price.

With this method of getting gunpowder from explosives, you’ll be able to keep your ammo stocked in Jagged Alliance 3. Remember to check all possible sources of explosives to maximize your gunpowder gains. Craft away and take down those enemies!
