Hogwarts Legacy Guide – How to find and use Venomous Tentacula

Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Tentacula

In Hogwarts Legacy, plants can be used in combat, and Venomous Tentacula is one of many useful plants that can deal damage to enemies. We’ll show you how to get it in this guide.

How to find Venomous Tentacula in Hogwarts Legacy

The Greenhouses at Hogwarts are teeming with free Venomous Tentacula plants. Reachable via the Greenhouses Floo Waypoint, the greenhouse in question is the one on the right. If you enter through the right door, you’ll find a greenhouse stocked with mature Venomous Tentacula plants. You should check back on this from time to time because these will grow back.

Additionally, you can purchase Venomous Tentacula plants from vendors in the Hogwarts hamlets. Dogweed and Deathcap, located on the outskirts of Hogsmeade, are the most accessible. Here, you can purchase single Venomous Tentacula plants or seeds for growing your own.

Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Tentacula 1

How to grow Venomous Tentacula

You can grow your own Venomous Tentacula if you have unlocked the Room of Requirement. To do this, you must have finished the main quest “Jackdaw’s Rest.”

This plant requires a large pot to grow in, so the free Herbology pot in the greenhouse classroom will not suffice. Instead, go to Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade and purchase the recipe for a large Herbology Planter. You can use this recipe to summon a large Herbology planter in the Room of Requirement. All that remains is for it to grow.

How to use it in combat

You can equip a Venomous Tentacula to the potions wheel to be able to use them in battle. To put it on the wheel, just hold R1, move the analog stick to the icon that looks like a venomous tentacle, and let go of R1.

When you level up and get Talent Points, you can use them to improve the effects of some potions and plants. The “Noxious” perk for the Venomous Tentacula is unlocked at level 22. This perk gives a Venomous Tentacula more acid damage and the ability to break shields.

To equip this perk, go to the ‘Talents’ menu from the main menu. Then select ‘Room of Requirement,’ and the ‘Noxious’ perk will be under the level 22 cap.

That’s everything you need to know about Venomous Tentacula in Hogwarts Legacy. 
