Hogwarts Legacy Guide – How to defeat Pensieve Guardian

how to defeat Pensieve Guardian

Pensieve Guardian is one of many bosses in Hogwarts Legacy who are larger versions of regular enemies; here’s how to defeat it.

Can I skip the Pensieve Guardian fight?

Unfortunately, completing this fight is required if you want to progress through the game because it unlocks several important skills while also ushering you into a new chapter of the story.

How to defeat Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

The Pensieve Guardian can be found at the very end of the third major main story trial. After navigating the area beneath Hogwarts with all of its floating platform puzzles, you’ll face a wave of smaller guardians before facing the much larger Pensieve Guardian. If you fail here, you’ll have to fight the wave before it again until you make it out alive.

By far the most effective way to defeat the Pensieve Guardian is to use basic spells to build up combos. This quickly increases your Ancient Magic meter, allowing you to stun the monster with a large Ancient Magic cast. When the boss is stunned, other spells deal significantly more damage to it, making Ancient Magic casts the best option.

You only need to roll away from its stomp attacks and shield against the flying wisps that follow the attack later in the fight. When combined with the methods listed below to destroy the orb it frequently summons, you’ll be able to finish the fight without taking any damage.

Best spells to use

You should avoid using spells like Accio in this fight because you can’t lift or pull the Pensieve Guardian. So, if you’re having trouble switching between loadouts in the middle of a battle, here are four options to consider:

  • Glacio
  • Expelliarmus
  • Confringo
  • (Any)

How to destroy the Pensieve Guardian’s orb 

As long as you hit the Pensieve Guardian’s orb with enough spells before it is fully charged, you can easily destroy it. The window of opportunity is small, and you won’t make it if you cast all your spells right before the attack began. Keep your powerful spells for the orb and use your wands to slowly chip away at the Guardian’s health.

However, if you have Glacio, you can make quick work of the orb. A single cast of Glacio will destroy the Pensieve Guardian’s orb, easily clearing the Duelling Feat for this fight and ensuring you avoid any future casts of the hard-hitting attack. Simply keep Glacio on hand in case the boss charges the attack again, and you’ll barely have to think about it.

That should be all you need to know to take down the Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy can be pre-ordered on Steam.
