Genshin Impact: How to Clear Spiral Abyss Floor 11 & 12

Version 4.3 of Genshin Impact has arrived, heralding a fresh set of challenges for seasoned Travelers: Spiral Abyss Floor 11 & 12. Fear not, brave adventurers, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge to conquer these celestial trials!

Genshin Impact: How to Clear Spiral Abyss Floor 11

Chamber 1

First Half

This chamber is all about efficient AoE and crowd control. Most enemies will approach the Monolith, so group them up with Venti or Sucrose and unleash devastating attacks like Ganyu’s Frostflake Arrow or Xiangling’s Pyronado. Be wary of Pyro Slimes, though, as their explosive demise can chip away at the Monolith’s health.

Second Half

Here, prioritize Hydro Mages and Anemo Specters, as they prioritize attacking the Monolith from afar. The final wave features Hydro Mimic Boars that sprint towards the Monolith, so quickly focus your attacks on them to prevent disaster.

Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Floor 12

Chamber 2

First Half

Elemental Shields reign supreme! Bring characters with the right counters, like Pyro for Hydro Shields or Electro for Cryo Shields. Swirling with Anemo or Crystallizing with Geo can also break them quickly. Don’t forget shields and defensive options for your own team, as Overload reactions from the Sternshield Crab and Bubbler Seahorse can be nasty.

Second Half

This is a pure DPS check. Two enemies spawn together in each wave, and you need to eliminate them both efficiently. Maximize your team’s damage output through powerful combos and well-timed Elemental Reactions. Don’t let them spread out and waste precious time!

Chamber 3

First Half

Pneuma Mekas take center stage! Take down the Annihilation Mek first, as it can summon another and unleash a devastating combo. Ousia attacks will briefly disable them, giving you precious seconds to unleash your offense. Be mindful of Overload triggers, which can fling your characters around.

Second Half

The Jadeplume Terrorshroom boss awaits! It has high resistances, but triggering Electro and Dendro reactions will strip them away, leaving it vulnerable. Dodge its wide-area attacks and punish its openings to secure victory.

Genshin Impact: How to Clear Spiral Abyss Floor 12

Chamber 1

First Half

Precise rotations are key to waltzing with the Perpetual Mechanical Array. Observe its predictable attacks and invulnerability phase. Unleash your combos when it’s stationary, but avoid overcommitting before the adds phase. Lure the glowing target close to the boss for a swift takedown and refocus on the mechanized monstrosity.

Second Half

The Thunder Manifestation demands agility and swift feet. Dash, dodge, and weave around its targeted AoEs and electrifying dances. Shielders like Zhongli or ranged DPS like Yoimiya can offer a respite from the storm, but for others, unleash your strongest single-target attacks at the outset while the Manifestation is still grounded.

Chamber 2

First Half

Time is your enemy against the Clockwork Meka and Ruin Guards. Group the final wave of enemies for efficient AoE attacks and clear them in a synchronized melody.

Second Half

The Geo shields of these enemies may seem like a rocky roadblock, but fear not! Zhongli’s resonance, Claymore characters, and heavy-hitting attacks (like Klee’s charged attacks) can crack their defenses like fragile shells. Remember, grouping enemies for AoE attacks is still your key to victory.

Chamber 3

First Half

The Hydro Tulpa’s permanent Hydro state lets you waltz with Bloom and Vaporize without a Hydro partner. Swap your Hydro character if needed! Prioritize the smaller Tulpas, as they can disrupt your rhythm. A single Dendro tick can send them back to the depths.

Second Half

Group the enemies for synchronized attacks in this final concerto. Beware the Thunderhelm Lawachurls’ thunderous smashes, as they can abruptly silence your melody. During the second wave, focus on the Eremite summons first. Taking them down weakens the Eremite summoners and buys you precious time to silence their desert song.

With careful planning, skilled execution, and this guide as your compass, you can conquer the Spiral Abyss Floors 11 and 12 in Genshin Impact 4.3 and claim your rightful rewards! So, strap on your Traveler’s boots, gather your strongest allies, and prepare to face the ultimate test.
