Fortnite Pandora’s Box: A Glimpse at What Could Have Been

Fortnite fans, ever wondered how the opening of Pandora’s Box could’ve been different? Well, wonder no more! A renowned Fortnite leaker, HYPEX, recently unearthed concept art that sheds light on the originally planned mechanic for the box.

Fortnite Pandora’s Box: A Glimpse at What Could Have Been

The familiar image of a singular chain holding Pandora’s Box shut wasn’t always the plan. Samuel Williams, Senior Environment Concept Artist at Epic Games, envisioned a more intricate design. His concept art depicts the box adorned with multiple panels, each secured by a separate chain. Players would’ve had to break these chains one by one, revealing teasers for the upcoming season with each successful destruction.

Pandora’s Box Fortnite
Image via @HYPEX

This method stands in stark contrast to the final version, where a single, collective effort by the community shattered the box, unleashing the chaotic vortex.

Breaking the Chains, or Breaking the Hype?

While the final design offered a climactic moment of community unity, some fans are expressing a preference for the original concept. The idea of progressively unlocking teasers alongside chain destruction intrigues them. However, a question lingers: would this drawn-out approach have frustrated players, or would the anticipation have heightened the excitement?

Epic’s Delay: A Blessing in Disguise?

The unveiling of the original concept art coincides with another interesting fact – Epic Games’ last-minute delay of the new season. Season delays are nothing new for Fortnite, considering the immense pressure to meet deadlines for such a massive live service game.

Looking back, some fans might argue that the delay was a blessing in disguise. It allowed Epic Games to refine the Pandora’s Box mechanic, potentially avoiding a situation where the community grew impatient waiting for each individual chain to break.

The unearthed concept art offers a fascinating glimpse into an alternate reality for Fortnite. Whether the original Pandora’s Box design would have been better received remains a topic for debate. However, it undeniably sparks curiosity and appreciation for the final, community-driven approach that ultimately unfolded.
