FIFA Mobile Addresses UTOTS Bug: Compensation and Market Restoration


The recent FIFA Mobile UTOTS bug has cause an uproar within the community, luckily, EA swiftly acknowledged the issue and perform action to restore the balance.

FIFA Mobile Addresses UTOTS Bug: Compensation and Market Restoration


Upon the launch of the UTOTS event, players quickly discovered a bug that removed all pack luck probabilities, granting them maximum rewards, including guaranteed UTOTS players and significant coin rewards. This unforeseen glitch resulted in an unstable playing field, as those who logged in during the bug’s occurrence gained an unfair advantage over others.

EA’s Response and Fixes

In a blog post addressing the issue, EA admitted that the UTOTS Points offer was misconfigured and incorrectly set up, allowing players to amass an unusually large number of coins and UTOTS players. The FIFA Mobile development team promptly rectified the bug, implementing several fixes and compensatory measures.

Market Restoration

To mitigate the chaos, EA temporarily made the market inaccessible as an initial step. After over 24 hours, the FIFA Mobile development team implemented a fix by re-evaluating all players’ coin values and setting a minimum threshold of 200 million coins. This adjustment aimed to restore balance and prevent the market from spiraling out of control.

Coin Value Correction

Considering the substantial number of players who had amassed at least a billion coins during the glitch, the market had become highly imbalanced. To address this issue, EA re-evaluated and balanced the coin values of users who had utilized the UTOTS Points offer during the bug. The following changes were implemented shortly after the daily reset:

  • Coins claimed from the misconfigured UTOTS Offer were deducted.
  • Claimed coins were reduced to a minimum of 200 million coins. If a user’s balance exceeded 200 million coins after canceling and refunding orders on the market, the excess amount was deducted.
  • Users who possessed less than 200 million coins after canceling and refunding orders on the market were not subject to coin deductions, meaning players who didn’t exploit the glitched UTOTS offer were unaffected.

Compensations Offered

Recognizing the disruption caused by the UTOTS bug, EA announced a series of compensatory gifts for players. These included:

  • June 16th UTC: 107 OVR ST Flashbacks Zlatan Ibrahimović.
  • June 17th UTC: 1 million coins and 1,000 gems.

Furthermore, players who were offline during the UTOTS reset and didn’t claim the UTOTS Store Offer were promised additional player rewards, comprising:

  • June 17th UTC: 112 OVR TOTS Player.
  • June 18th UTC: 114 OVR UTOTS Player.

While these compensations cannot fully rectify the imbalance created by the UTOTS bug, they offer affected players a free UTOTS player and additional rewards.

No Bans or Alteration of Rewards

In a reassuring announcement, EA stated that no player would be banned or suspended for claiming the UTOTS Store Offer multiple times. The FIFA Mobile development team expressed their apologies for the issue and confirmed that TOTS or UTOTS player rewards obtained through the glitch would not be altered or revoked from users.
