EA Faces Backlash as FIFA Mobile Update Introduces UTOTS Bug

fifa mobile utots bug

EA’s ongoing struggle with FIFA Mobile updates continues as another mishap unfolds, this time involving the Ultimate Team of the Season (UTOTS) bug.

EA Faces Backlash as FIFA Mobile Update Introduces UTOTS Bug

The highly anticipated Ultimate Team of the Season (UTOTS) players were released during the reset at 12:30 am IST. Among the available packs, there was one that offered a chance to obtain UTOTS players for 20 UTOTS points, while guaranteed players required a minimum investment of 2000 UTOTS points.

Unfortunately, a glitch within the game caused players to receive not only the coveted UTOTS players but also staggering coin rewards with each purchase. For approximately 30 minutes, from 12:30 am to 1 am, players were unexpectedly gifted 300 million coins alongside top picks like Haaland, Rashford, and other UTOTS cards.

During this period, players who capitalized on the bug amassed billions of coins in their accounts. To prevent market inflation, the issue was promptly addressed and the market closed.

The community expressed its frustration with EA’s poor handling of the situation. Initially, players took advantage of the broken system, but soon the majority became enraged, realizing the detrimental impact the bug would have on those who didn’t exploit it.

Regrettably, the efforts players had put into assembling top teams were swiftly undermined by the bug, which allowed nearly everyone who attempted the pack during the glitch period to create high Overall Rating (OVR) squads. This only added to the growing frustrations among players.

While the glitch has been rectified, its aftermath still lingers. The market continues to suffer, leaving many players feeling disheartened, especially those who were offline during the glitch period. They now face the harsh reality of a market dominated by players with vast coin reserves.

This incident highlights a shambolic display of handling from EA, characterized by a lack of effective communication and delayed responses to player concerns. The fate of those who took advantage of the bug remains uncertain, and players can only wait for further updates from EA.
