Bug Heroes: Tower Defense Hero Tier List (December 2023)

Bug Heroes Tower Defense Hero Tier List
Image via Foursaken Media

Feeling overwhelmed by the buzzing brood of heroes in Bug Heroes: Tower Defense? Fear not, for this tier list will guide you through the swarm and help you assemble the ultimate bug brigade!

Bug Heroes: Tower Defense Hero Tier List (December 2023)

Strong (S) Honey Bee, Moth
Good (A) Warm, Slug, Pillbug, Fly
Fair (B) Termite, Beetle, Spider, Ant

The Meta Masters

Honey Bee

The undisputed queen of the hive, Honey Bee reigns supreme in the S-Tier. Her potent combination of swordsmanship, pistol skills, and troop mobilization makes her adaptable and devastating. Her superior Strength, Pace, and Health Point solidify her position as the ultimate warrior.


This winged wonder takes the silver medal, weaving magic and healing allies while dealing respectable damage to shielded foes. Moth’s unique mix of Pace, Strength, and Attacking Power sets her apart, making her a valuable asset to any team.


Don’t underestimate the slow and steady Worm. His powerful grenade launcher and artillery-wielding companion, The Worminator, make short work of enemy hordes. Worm’s impressive Pace, Healing Factor, and Strength make him a force to be reckoned with.

Remember, this tier list is just a guide, not a gospel! Experiment with different heroes, discover synergies, and find what works best for your playstyle. The true power lies in your strategic mind and your bug-battling spirit!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your magnifying glass, explore the insect kingdom, and build your dream Bug Heroes team!
