Brand new Diablo 4 merchandise may reveal a hidden sixth class

Diablo 4 sixth class

A new piece of merch for Diablo 4 has been released, and it may contain hints about a future sixth class for the game.

Brand new Diablo 4 merchandise may reveal a hidden sixth cass

It’s possible that Blizzard Entertainment’s plans for Diablo IV’s sixth character class are well underway. At least, that’s what a merchandise article about the game implies, and further investigation into the claimed sixth grade could shed light on.

You can now pre-order a Diablo 4-themed stein from the Blizzard Gear Store. This stylish collectible features artwork from Sanctuary, including the Sanctuary logo and depictions of Lilith and Inarius, two of Diablo 4’s main characters.

Dark LORE Dash, a YouTuber, took a closer look at the stein, though, and discovered something intriguing. There are a total of six icons on the cover, with five representing the playable classes in Diablo IV at launch. Is there already a sixth grade implied by the presence of the sixth symbol in this ranks? Given the setup, that makes perfect sense.

The sixth symbol represents the Triune cult, which is thought to be responsible for Lilith’s reappearance. If you take the whole thing a step further, a supposed sixth character class, such as a warlock or death knight, could take up the Triune theme.

As of now, there has been no official confirmation, and it is unlikely that there will be until after the game’s release. However, the placement of the Triune symbol is suspicious when paired with the other classes, and as Dash explained, Diablo 4 has previously hidden secrets in merchandise, such as the Church of Light’s symbol revealed in the pre-Diablo 4 badge series.

So, until Diablo 4 announces a sixth class, players will have to speculate on what new abilities will be made available in the game.