Best Teams for Chiori in Genshin Impact Version 4.5

Having Chiori on your Genshin Impact team is only the first step. To truly unleash her power, you need to surround her with characters who complement her playstyle. Here are five stellar team compositions to maximize Chiori’s potential:

Best Teams for Chiori in Genshin Impact Version 4.5

1. Geo Resonance Powerhouse

  • Chiori (Geo): Main DPS
  • Arataki Itto (Geo): Geo on-field DPS
  • Zhongli (Geo): Geo flex (damage and utility)
  • Gorou (Geo): Healer

This team leans heavily on Geo resonance, amplifying Chiori’s damage output. Itto provides additional Geo damage as an on-field DPS, while Zhongli offers shields and utility. Gorou rounds out the team with Geo resonance buffs and healing.

2. Hydro Resonance Harmony:

  • Chiori (Geo): Main DPS
  • Yelan (Hydro): Hydro damage dealer
  • Furina (Hydro): Damage buffer and healer
  • Gorou (Geo): Healer

Here, Hydro resonance takes center stage. Yelan deals Hydro damage and triggers reactions with Chiori’s Geo attacks. Furina bolsters Chiori’s damage and provides vital healing alongside Gorou.

3. Balanced Offense and Defense:

  • Chiori (Geo): Main DPS
  • Arataki Itto (Geo): Sub-DPS and buffer
  • Gorou (Geo): Healer
  • Furina (Hydro): Damage buffer and healer
Chiori best teams Genshin Impact
Image via HoYoverse

This team prioritizes both offensive and defensive capabilities. Itto strengthens Furina’s buffs, enhancing Chiori’s damage and healing. Gorou and Furina work in tandem to keep the team healthy.

4. Shielded and Sustained:

  • Chiori (Geo): Main DPS
  • Zhongli (Geo): Shielder and support
  • Furina (Hydro): Damage buffer and healer
  • Bennett (Pyro): Additional healer

This composition offers Zhongli’s powerful shields for survivability. Furina and Bennett combine for a robust healing duo, allowing Chiori to focus on dealing damage.

5. Geo Synergy with Navia:

  • Chiori (Geo): Main DPS
  • Navia (Geo): Geo damage dealer and support
  • Gorou (Geo): Healer
  • Furina (Hydro): Damage buffer and healer

Navia, another Geo powerhouse, joins Chiori to amplify Geo resonance and overall damage. This team maintains healing capabilities with Gorou and Furina.

These team compositions offer a variety of approaches to maximize Chiori’s potential. Remember, these are just suggestions! Experiment and find the team composition that best suits your playstyle and preferences. With Chiori as your main Geo force, these teams are sure to dominate the battlefield in Genshin Impact Version 4.5!
