Robert Pattinson Once Bought a Car on Craigslist, is Doing a Liquid Diet

Robert Pattinson is a bizarre guy who despite his immense fame seems relatively normal and down-to-earth. He has proved just how normal and nonchalant he is about his fame by retelling a story of how he once went to buy a cheap car on Craigslist, but the seller figured out he was mega famous so Robert couldn’t ask for a discount on the cheap vehicle. He also reveals that he has learned how to drive by having people crash into him:

“I learned by people crashing into me. The first time anyone said anything about my being famous was when I tried to buy a car a few years ago. It was an ’89 BMW convertible for $1,000 I found on Craigslist. I went out to the hills to take it on a test drive and, of course, almost crashed. A few days later I went back to pick it up. I had said I was an actor and the guy had looked me up. When I went back, he said,’Dude, do you realize you’re #2 on IMDB?’ I thought, ‘Shit, now I can’t ask for the 200 bucks off.’”

Robert explains that he has put himself on a liquid diet because a nutritionist told him he could drink as much as he wanted while preparing for a body-flaunting photo shoot:

“I’m on an all-liquid diet. I had to be shirtless for a photo shoot, so I asked a nutritionist what’s a diet in which you can still drink as much as you want. She said a liquid diet.”

When speaking to the media, Robert believes it’s important to watch what you say, but even if you don’t say anything particularly offensive, he knows they are likely to twist it to make it sound whatever way they want in order to make you look bad:

“You try to say things in the perfect way but you know unless you say something stupid, from which people will make you look like a dick, you’re not going to have sound bites. And if you don’t say anything stupid, someone’s going to make something up anyways.”