BitLife – How to Complete the Phantom Flipper Challenge

The BitLife Phantom Flipper Challenge is now available. This week’s challenge, which begins on October 29, will undoubtedly get us in the Halloween spirit with a surprisingly difficult list of tasks to complete. If you want to learn more, keep reading to find out how to complete the Phantom Flipper Challenge in BitLife.

How to Complete the Phantom Flipper Challenge in BitLife

Below are the five tasks you must complete for the Phantom Flipper Challenge in BitLife:

BitLife Phantom Flipper

Unlike many other popular jobs, becoming an Exorcist in Phantom Flipper Challenge does not require a college or university degree because you only need a high school diploma. So it would be beneficial if you started your new life and finished high school. After graduating, go to the Jobs section and look for the job title Exorcist. Pass the interviews and become an Exorcist.

Start saving money for a house once you’ve become an exorcist. You’ll want to get started as soon as possible because you’ll need to buy at least ten haunted properties throughout your character’s life. Take the following steps to start making money quickly:

  • Buy a low-price haunted property.
  • Exorcise the spirits in it until it is no longer haunted
  • Sell the property immediately to gain quick profit
  • Rinse and repeat

By following the steps above, you’ll complete three tasks in one. You will not only profit over time, but you will also consistently exorcise spirits while purchasing houses. If you don’t see any properties that you can afford, you can either work for a few more years or close and re-open the BitLife app to find cheaper homes.

Just be cautious when exorcising spirits! If you fail too frequently and reduce their friendliness, they will start attacking you after each attempt. In some cases, they will significantly reduce your health or even kill you instantly. If a spirit becomes restless and aggressive, you may need to take a short detour to regain your health before attempting again.

After completing all five tasks, you will have completed the Phantom Flipper Challenge in BitLife!

BitLife: Life Simulator is available for both Android and IOS.