5 Celebs Speak on Finding True Love

Mark Wahlberg

Mark believes he has found true love with wife Rhea Durham: “I’d been going out with people who were upset if we didn’t go out to a premiere and get photographed. She is the person I was looking for. I can trust her in ways I can’t trust myself. That means a lot to me, because I’m very private in my real feelings and thoughts.”


Taylor Swift


Taylor completely believes in the idea, even if she’s been through many breakups: ‘[I believe in love] even after it explodes into a million pieces and burns down and you’re standing in a pile of the ash of what it once was thinking, ‘Why did I have to meet this person, why did this have to happen?’ But then, when you make eye contact with someone across the room and it clicks and, bam, you’re there. In love again.”