5 Celebrity Bipolar Disorder Sufferers

Carrie Fisher

Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher was misdiagnosed when she first sought out treatment which made her struggle with bipolar disorder even worse: ” “When I was about 24, I had a doctor tell me I was hypomanic, he said I should go on lithium. I didn’t believe him. I thought he was trying to get rid of me….To my recollection, which may or may not be that reliable, I wasn’t diagnosed again until I overdosed at 28.”

Sinead O’Connor 

Irish singer Sinead O’Connor was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2003, but now that she has medication for the problem, feels much better: ”It explained a lot about being angry, fighting with people, being suicidal. And often with anger what’s behind it is grief. Did you ever see this creepy cowboy movie, and at the end the guy was shot from behind and a huge hole is blown through his back – that’s how I used to feel. I felt like I was walking round the world with a huge hole in me. And within a day of taking the medication, I felt the cement had come and filled in the hole.”