5 Celebs Who Once Had to Live in Their Cars

Sam Worthington

Sam was living out of his car before landing his big role in ‘Avator’: “Every actor fears unemployment, and there I was unemployed. Sold everything I owned and was just living in the car basically, not doing much. I thought this audition was a waste of my fucking time.”

William Shatner

In the 70s, William was stuck with just a car to call home after a divorce: “A pickup truck, actually. It was the early 1970s and I was recently divorced. I had three kids and was totally broke. I managed to find work back east on the straw-hat circuit — summer stock — but couldn’t afford hotels, so I lived out of the back of my truck, under a hard shell. It had a little stove, a toilet, and I’d drive from theater to theater. The only comfort came from my dog, who sat in the passenger seat and gave me perspective on everything.”