The Thrifty Girl’s Guide to Perfume

Ah, perfume. Whether you’re a floral kind of girl or prefer a fruity scent, there’s nothing quite like smelling lovely. There are so many wild and wonderful perfumes out there, but they can often come with an expensive price tag – especially high-end bottles. So is it possible to smell nice without breaking the bank? We may have found the solution. Here is the thrifty girl’s top tip guide to buying perfume, for a fraction of the price!

Shop Online

We all know that online shopping has taken over the retail world, with over half of Americans now stating that they prefer to make online purchases. This is no coincidence: You are more likely to spend less online than in store for the same product, and perfume is no exception to the rule. Online perfume shops are increasing in popularity as you can be sure to spot better deals, and have it delivered straight to your door! This is great for those of you that have a ‘signature scent’, and know exactly which bottle you’re looking for. If you’ve run out of your favorite bottle, simply order another and have it as soon as the next day. The downside to this? If you’re looking for a nice new perfume, looking online isn’t the best option for obvious reasons – you don’t know what it smells like! We may have reviews to go off, but perfume can be very personal, and you probably want to avoid spending lots of money on a fancy bottle that isn’t quite to your taste.  The best thing to do is look in-store, then purchase that same bottle online.

Look Out For Deals and Discounts

Embrace your thrifty personality and keep your eyes peeled for deals, discounts, and vouchers – you may be surprised at how much you can save! Take a look at online deals – there’s no need to pay retail prices. Shopping in fragrance and drug stores may mean that you miss out on vouchers and special offers which are available online – even for high-end perfumes! Designers such as Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani, and Dolce&Gabbana are just a few names you can get discounts for. So yes, you can get that expensive luxury perfume for a fraction of the price!

Make the Most of Free Samples

Getting ready for a night out? You can have your hair done, makeup on, outfit ready… but somehow the look isn’t complete without a spritz of perfume (or two). If you have a night out coming up, or perhaps a big day, such as a wedding or a date, but your budget won’t stretch to a brand new bottle of expensive perfume, do not worry. Free samples are great for things like this, as pretty much every store that sells perfume will give out cheap or indeed free samples for you to take home. Be thrifty and have a look in your local drugstores before the big day is coming up, so you can smell nice without having to fork out extra for perfume!

Top Tip!: Collect several perfume samples to find out which one you like best to ensure you will smell amazing when the big day arrives.

So, if you’re looking for a new scent or simply want to treat yourself to a luxury perfume, then be sure to follow this guide to ensure you’re getting the best offers and prices you can! Don’t forget about online vouchers and discount codes, as they all add up. Shop around and compare prices to save money – you might have enough left over for a new pair of shoes!