Sons of the Forest Guide – GPS locators and how to use them

Sons of the Forest GPS locators

Sons of the Forest GPS locators are dispersed across the map, and finding them is a critical step in completing the game’s story.

Where to find all GPS locators in Sons of the Forest

In Sons of the Forest, each GPS locator is represented by a purple marker on your map, and as you approach their location, your GPS tracker will beep continuously. The open-world game contains three of these purple markers, each of which represents a member of your team. They have all met an untimely end, but thankfully they were carrying Sons of the Forest weapons and tools that you can reuse. These locators are all located in the map’s north-west corner.

GPS locator 1

This locator is obtained early in the game, and all you need is your starter axe to get here directly from your crash site. You can find it on a corpse hanging from a cliff face. If you are at the bottom of the sharp drop, look up when you reach the marker, and you will see your target.

Sons of the Forest GPS locators 1  When you’re above him, look for a rock with a rope tied around it and use your axe to free your old friend. Remember to gather the rope, food, and drink nearby before descending, as well as the GPS locator and flashlight.

GPS locator 2

Because this GPS locator is offshore, you’ll have to swim out to it. You can see the red flotation device that will take you to your destination from the shore. Head to the raft’s side to climb up onto it, where you’ll find the corpse of your colleague and can collect the GPS locator, pistol, ammo, and other resources. Keep in mind that your GPS tracker will automatically unequip as you swim. 

You can get to the raft without being attacked, but once there, a shark will circle the buoyancy aid. Our advice is to simply wait for the shark to move on. Take the time to eat, drink, or organize your quick select items, and the shark will eventually swim away.

GPS locator 3

This is the most difficult GPS locator to get because you must first obtain the Sons of the Forest shovel, which requires you to have found the rebreather and the rope gun. After that, it’s a simple matter of digging at the Sons of the Forest grave site marked by the third purple marker. This will reveal the third GPS locator and the shotgun.

How to use a GPS locator

First, you’ll need to stick a stick into the ground. Next, you’ll need to put a GPS locator on top of the stick. When you have the GPS locator in your hand, press the right mouse button to move through the icons on your map. You can always pick up a GPS locator and move it, but you can only carry three at once. Once you’ve made friends with Virginia, you should give her a GPS locator.

That’s all there is to know about the GPS locator in Sons of the Forest.

Sons of the Forest is available on Steam.
