Rihanna Explains ‘Nobody’s Business’, Became Reclusive During Recording

When it was revealed that Rihanna and Chris Brown were releasing a duet together named ‘Nobody’s Business’ everyone instantly decided they were back together. In a new interview, Rihanna says that although this isn’t the case, the song is about how she wishes she could keep her private life private but she knows it’s not possible because she is in the spotlight and the media follow her everywhere:

“Nobody’s Business is basically the way I look at everything regarding my personal life… When it gets to my music and stuff like that, I will give and I’ll give and I’ll give, and I feel like I just need to keep a little bit for me that I get to decide… I’m not putting (relationships) out there as much… If I had it my way, it really would be nobody’s business, but I can’t escape that. It sucks, but whatever!”

Speaking on recording her new album, Rihanna says that she cut herself off from everyone and basically became reclusive because she was so busy and didn’t have time to have a social life while she laid down the tracks in the studio – she even worked all night sometimes:

“I was the worst friend. I wouldn’t reply to my friends’ texts, I had no (cell phone) service in the studio. I worked day and night and it was hard for me to pay attention to frivolous stuff like the blogs.”