Phil Collins from EssayService Shares Easiest Ways for College Students to Stay Active

6 Simple Tips on Staying Fit in College

Keeping in shape while juggling the demands of a full course load, extracurricular activities, exams, papers, and a social life can feel like an impossible task. After all, many students work part-time (10-25 hours a week) to cover their expenses.

The rules are the same whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student who enlists an essay writer from a professional college writing service to write my essays online every now and then. With everything else going on and no relief in sight, going to the gym is often the first thing to be put on the back burner. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

Try these six suggestions to keep fit and stay focused on your studies.

1. Schedule time for physical activity and time for relaxation

Schedule your workout sessions just as you would your classes or social activities. Starting is easy. Just try riding your bike, walking to school, or signing up for an intramural team at your community recreation center.

If you’d rather work out independently, try doing cardio for 2.5 hours per week and strength training twice every week. 

Improve your memory and get a better night’s rest by making time for regular activity, whether basketball, running, or lifting weights. Exercising is also a fantastic method of managing stress. Cortisol, the hormone that causes hunger and signals your body to accumulate fat, can be controlled by scheduling “me” time regularly. 

2. Keep your diet and snacking habits healthy and balanced

The dining halls and cafeterias on campus may not have many options for fresh food. Many kids don’t consume even one serving of fruit or vegetable each day, even though there are many options available to them.

Your body will thank you for choosing fruits and vegetables over pizza, even if they don’t taste as good. Dessert and pizza are fine but in moderation.

Never skip breakfast to avoid being hungry later. It’s also a good idea to keep a supply of nutritious foods like granola bars, walnuts, and fruit in your dorm room.

Bring some healthy snacks to class with you, and eat one every three to four hours when you need to study or write my term paper with your favorite college essay writing service.

3. Get fit on the go

It’s excellent that most colleges provide state-of-the-art recreation centers and great campus-sponsored nutrition programs. You would be smart to take advantage of them. Still, there are several simple approaches to fitting in more physical activity, even on the busiest days. 

Take your bicycle to and from campus, and you’ll increase your physical activity while saving money on gasoline or public transit costs. That’s a win-win situation. So you don’t have a bike? Walk instead of driving or taking a shuttle. Your body and the planet will thank you.

Climb the stairwells rather than using the lifts when going to your accommodation. 

There are often parks or other open areas on campuses and nearby communities where people can go hiking. Get a frisbee and round up your roommate to play at your local park. A little amount of outdoor exercise can do wonders for your health.

4. Wake up early

Everyone is familiar with the adage, “The early bird gets the worm.” While the phrase may be disliked by those who want to sleep in late, it ultimately serves a valuable purpose. You have a ton of extra time when you wake up early every day.

Oversleeping tends to put students in a hurried state as they try to make it to class on time, which can lead to a less-than-stellar start to the day. By oversleeping, you’ll have to play catch-up for the rest of your life, so you might be less motivated to go to the gym or prepare nutritious meals.

If you get up early, you can make a nutritious breakfast and maybe even fit in some yoga or a run before school. If your day is off to a positive start, you could be more motivated to keep it up all day long.

5. Make the most of college resources 

There’s no excuse not to make the most of school amenities like the track, pool, tennis courts, and gym if you can access them. 

Time spent swimming or running can be scheduled like any other “class,” making your workouts part of your daily routine. 

Alternatively, you could follow a fitness program that has you doing a set number of repetitions of an exercise every day for a set number of days. That eliminates any possibility of procrastination or making up reasons not to exercise.

6. Engage a workout partner

According to research conducted at Stanford University, even a single phone call every once in a while can motivate people to get out and exercise. 

Imagine the benefits of exercising with a real friend after reassigning your homework to the best research paper writing services.

These findings are only one of many pieces of evidence highlighting the value of social support in assisting individuals in achieving their health and wellness objectives. 

An easy strategy for students is to try to find a training partner.

Having a workout partner will help keep you motivated and on schedule. And, while you might be tempted to skip a workout if it’s just you, you wouldn’t dare cancel on a friend.


Combining your academic exploits with exercise is beneficial in more ways than one, regardless of your academic standing or field of study. Consider some of these strategies if you’re having problems juggling exercise and your academic obligations.