Overwatch 2 Season 4 Heroes Tier List

The following is a comprehensive tier list for the heroes of Overwatch 2 Season 4, and why you should play (or avoid) each one.

Overwatch 2 Season 4 Heroes Tier List

S-Tier Heroes

Overwatch 2 Season 4 Heroes Tier List 1


With the release of the new season, Brigitte’s Rally ultimate ability received a significant buff. The most significant Rally buff is that Shield Bash now impacts multiple enemies and briefly stuns them while the ultimate ability is active, just like in the glory days of the stun meta. Brigitte is now more powerful than ever, and her Rally is powerful enough to win fights that could decide games.


Brigitte’s return to the meta with the release of Season 4 places Baptiste in the S-tier, as he works well with this fellow support hero. To benefit from Brigitte’s abilities, her team must play close to each other, which is the ideal setting for Baptiste to use his Biotic Launcher and Regenerative Burst, as well as protect as many teammates as possible with his Immortality Field.


Kitsune Rush, Kiriko’s ultimate ability, boosts her entire team by accelerating their movement, attack speed, and cooldowns. Kiriko shines in most situations, regardless of map or team composition, and her fast-paced gameplay fits well with the current meta, earning her a spot in our Overwatch 2 Season 4 heroes tier list’s S-tier section.


Ramattra is a tempo tank hero who fits into the current meta well. This adaptable hero can transform between his Omnic and Nemesis forms to provide defensive support for his teammates with Void Barrier or to push forward with Pummel.


Tracer’s mobility allows her to run around the map and pick off enemy supports, either killing them or distracting them long enough to prevent them from fully healing their team. While Tracer is not an easy hero to master, she can wreak havoc when played correctly and is one of the best DPS heroes to play in Overwatch 2 Season 4.

A-Tier Heroes

Overwatch 2 Season 4 Heroes Tier List 2


Bastion is still as powerful as he was last season, and he’s a safe bet for destroying enemy front lines and shields. He received no changes to his abilities in the Season 4 patch notes and can be effective against the stun meta due to his ability to stay at a distance while firing at the opposing team.


Echo is currently fairly balanced, with good mobility and damage output. The most dangerous threat Echo poses is when she uses her Duplicate ultimate ability to copy an enemy hero’s abilities, whether offensive or defensive.


Hanzo is more agile and has a faster repositioning speed than Widowmaker, but there is still a learning curve before he can consistently land lethal shots. Hanzo may be useless against Tracer, but he is quite effective against Brigitte and her brawl/stun meta.


Lucio is a fantastic support hero who can provide constant healing and speed boost his team, but he lacks the ability to quickly bring his entire team back to full health if they come under heavy enemy fire.


Mei is one of the best DPS heroes to play against brawl and stun-based meta, as she can slow down her opponents to allow her team to finish them off or escape from lethal abilities. While Mei is not an easy hero to master, she can assist you in reaching Grandmaster in this season.


Moira can now use Fade while in Coalescence, allowing her to quickly reposition herself to either wipe out the enemy team or save her allies. Moira also heals faster than she used to. Moira is now in the A-Tier section of this Overwatch 2 Season 4 heroes tier list, thanks to these buffs.


In this season, the Overwatch 2 team reduced Sigma’s Accretion’s impact damage and increased the knockdown duration to compensate. While Sigma is no longer as powerful as he once was, he is still one of the best tanks to.


With the release of Season 4, Sombra received few changes, but one that could change everything when she faces Mei: Sombra’s EMP can now disable Blizzard, just like any other device-controlled ultimate.


While there are better DPS heroes to play in this new competitive season, Sojourn is still a viable option for those who know how to use her correctly.


Widowmaker is a situational pick that excels on some maps but fails miserably on others. She has the ability to kill her opponents with a single shot as a sniper. Widowmaker, on the other hand, will be useless on maps with a lot of natural cover, as she will be unable to choose the best position.


Winston is a tank hero who can sabotage the enemy team by diving on their supports or snipers. However, due to the current meta, Winston can easily become separated from his team and die without much recourse.

Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball doesn’t need anyone to be efficient and harass the opposing back line. While mastering the hamster hero is difficult, he can be a real threat if used correctly. He can help his team clear space, but he may be lacking in healing as the current meta revolves around Brigitte and her improved Rally ultimate ability.


Zarya has always been a dependable tank hero who can push forward on the enemy front lines while protecting her teammates. She works well with support characters, particularly Brigitte, because she deals massive damage at close range and can shield her allies.


In the right hands, Zenyatta can outperform some DPS heroes while also providing adequate healing. However, in the hands of someone who does not master this hero, Zenyatta can become a useless squishy with limited mobility, making him vulnerable to enemy attacks.

B-Tier Heroes


Ana is still a great support player thanks to her Biotic Grenade and overall kit, but shortening the duration of Sleep Dart caused her to fall a few spots in our Overwatch 2 Season 4 heroes tier list.


Ashe now takes longer to reclaim her ultimate and summon B.O.B. Furthermore, Ashe is struggling to find her place in the current meta, and while she remains a reliable DPS, she isn’t the best pick to rise through the ranks in Season 4.


Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade has been reduced from 131 to 120 this season. It also made Cassidy more vulnerable by lowering his base health from 225 to 200, as the hero no longer needs to play at close range now that his primary fire has a lower falloff-damage buff. Overall, Cassidy is still a good choice, but he isn’t as powerful as he once was.


D.Va isn’t the best match for Brigitte’s close-range combat style. Picking D.Va is a good idea if you like to experiment with health packs or know when to retreat to avoid dying, but relying on her Boosters’ cooldown can be difficult.

Junker Queen

Our Overwatch 2 Season 4 heroes tier list includes the queen of Junkertown in the B-tier section. She has the ability to deal damage to her enemies over time while healing herself based on the wound damage dealt. This tank hero has a high survivability but fewer health points than others, making her a fun pick but not the most efficient in Overwatch 2 Season 4 game winning.


Junkrat is a situational pick that excels in small spaces but struggles in larger ones. This DPS hero can deal massive damage without requiring a high skill level. However, Junkrat is ineffective on maps where he cannot make his projectiles bounce on his enemies and trap them in closed areas.


Despite his excellent kit, Lifeweaver falls short of the top of our tier list because his hitbox is one of the largest in the game. In addition, upon death, Lifeweaver drops a Parting Gift that heals the first enemy or ally to pick it up, which is extremely risky.


Mercy’s mobility has recently been altered, with an increase in Guardian Angel’s jump-cancel mobility at the expense of some limitations, particularly after resurrecting a teammate. Mercy remains a safe pick that works in most situations; however, the changes to her mobility will take some getting used to and may surprise some players.


Pharah can fly around and deal damage to the opposing team or defend her support teammates with little to no resistance, allowing her to survive long enough to charge her ultimate ability and attempt to wipe out several enemies with her Barrage. However, because Mercy isn’t one of the best support heroes to play right now, Pharah may struggle to find her place in the current meta.


Reinhardt, like Sigma, was nerfed for balance and then slightly buffed to compensate. Reinhardt isn’t as strong as he once was, and he can be inefficient in comparison to other heroes.

Soldier: 76

The Season 4 meta isn’t ideal for Soldier: 76 to shine because it relies on flankers and melee heroes that Soldier: 76 can’t pick from afar.


Symmetra is an excellent choice for winning games in lower ranks, where the opposing team is unaware of her turrets and may die before noticing them. However, in higher competitive tiers, Symmetra struggles to find her place in fast-paced groups filled with divers.


Torbjörn, like Symmetra, is a legitimate threat in the lower competitive ranks, but he struggles to compete in a brawl, dive, or stun-based meta.

Meh-Tier Heroes


Doomfist was nerfed in a variety of ways, relegating him to the bottom of our heroes’ tier list. Because this hero has a steep learning curve and isn’t among the best at dealing damage, protecting his team, or disrupting the enemies, he falls into the Meh-Tier category.


Genji isn’t a bad choice, but the current stun meta prevents him from efficiently peaking his enemies and performing a devastating Dragonblade.


Orisa has a history of underperforming in competitive Overwatch 2 games, and Season 4 will be no exception. Orisa lacks the resources to reach higher tiers of this list due to her low mobility and the nerfs to her Fortify health bonus.


Unfortunately for Reaper, the current meta favors stuns, which could easily stop him from wreaking havoc, interrupting his Death Blossom, and preventing him from using his Wraith Form.


Roadhog’s Chain Hook and Scrap Gun combo has been nerfed to the point where it no longer kills enemies in a single shot. Roadhog is no longer as powerful as he once was, and he lacks the mobility to keep up with other heroes.

This concludes our Overwatch 2 Season 4 hero tier list!