Modern Warfare 3: How to Unlock the DG-56

DG-56 Modern Warfare 3
Image via Activision

Dominating the battlefield in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer? Then you’ve likely heard whispers about the DG-56, a three-round burst assault rifle that’s quickly risen to the ranks of the best weapons in the game. But how do you unlock this powerhouse?

Modern Warfare 3: How to Unlock the DG-56

While reaching the max level of 55 won’t automatically grant you access to the DG-56, fret not! There are three distinct paths to unlocking this coveted weapon:

1. Armory Unlock Challenges

This is the primary method, requiring you to complete three Daily Challenges/Bonus Challenges. Completing these challenges will reward you with the DG-56 and allow you to start wreaking havoc on your opponents.

2. Complete the MW3 Campaign

This option demands dedication as it requires completing all 15 missions in the campaign. Upon finishing the campaign, you’ll unlock the Brogue weapon blueprint for the DG-56 in multiplayer. This provides immediate access to the weapon and allows you to level it up, but the base weapon remains locked.

3. Exfiltration with DG-56 in Zombies

This method involves a bit of luck and skill. In Zombies mode, you’ll need to find the DG-56, which can be obtained through killing enemies, loot sources like the Mystery Box and Wall Buys, and even dropped by enemy AI. Once you have it, successfully exfil from the match to unlock the DG-56 in multiplayer.

No matter your preferred playstyle, there’s a path to unlocking the DG-56 in Modern Warfare 3. So, choose your method, arm yourself with this powerful weapon, and dominate the battlefield!
