Level Up Quickly in Warzone 2 Season 4 Reloaded: Efficient XP Farming Methods

Warzone 2 XP farming methods

In this article, we will explore some quick and efficient XP farming methods to help you level up swiftly and maximize your rewards in Warzone 2.

Level Up Quickly in Warzone 2 Season 4 Reloaded: Efficient XP Farming Methods

Let’s explore some effective strategies for farming XP in Warzone 2.

Carry and Utilize Your Desired Weapon

One of the simplest yet effective strategies is to keep the weapon you want to level up equipped at all times. By doing so, you will passively earn XP for that specific weapon, even during routine activities like opening chests. This method ensures a steady progression without requiring additional effort.

Leverage Double XP Weekends & Tokens

Take advantage of Double XP Weekends, which Activision periodically organizes during Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2’s seasons. These weekends provide an ideal opportunity to play and level up at an accelerated rate. Additionally, be sure to use Double XP Tokens obtained from the Battle Pass and campaign, maximizing your XP gains during these time-limited events.

Dominate in DMZ Mode

DMZ mode in Warzone 2 offers a fantastic environment for leveling up both your weapons and your rank. This mode involves continuous contract completion, leading to a rapid accumulation of XP. By staying active throughout the match, you can potentially earn over 100,000 XP, making it an efficient method for progression.

Team Up for Extra XP (PlayStation Only)

If you’re playing Warzone 2 on PlayStation, teaming up with friends can be advantageous. Sony offers a benefit where PlayStation players in a party earn 25% more Weapon XP than usual. So, gather your friends, form a party, and reap the rewards of increased XP gains.

Complete Warzone 2 Contracts

Engaging in Warzone 2 contracts presents an excellent opportunity to earn substantial XP. Focus on passive contracts such as Safecracker and Secure Intel, which do not necessarily involve direct combat. Equipping the weapon you aim to level up while undertaking these contracts will provide a significant XP boost.

Consider Owning Modern Warfare 2

While it may be a more expensive option, owning Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 can provide an XP bonus when playing Warzone 2. Moreover, Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer mode offers a fast-paced experience that facilitates quick ranking up and weapon leveling. The Invasion mode, in particular, serves as an excellent location to farm bots for easy weapon XP.

How to Level Up Warzone 2 Battle Pass Fast

Leveling up the Warzone 2 Battle Pass can be a slow process, but there are ways to expedite your progress. The DMZ mode proves to be the most efficient option, as matches are relatively short but packed with XP. By completing contracts and successfully extracting from DMZ mode, you can earn a Battle Pass Token per match, swiftly progressing through the Battle Pass tiers.

By following these top XP strategies, you can significantly expedite your progression. Get ready to earn impressive rewards, rank up swiftly, and unlock the rewards of Warzone 2‘s latest season.
