League of Legends – Best Clash team comps in Season 13

League of Legends Clash best team comps

Here are the best team comps to play for the upcoming League of Legends Clash Cup if you’re unsure of which ones to pick.

League of Legends – Best Clash team comps in Season 13 (Patch 13.6 – Mar. 25-26th)

Caitlyn Comp

Ideal Champs & Substitutions:

  • Top: Gnar/K’Sante
  • Jungle: Viego/Lee Sin
  • Mid: Leblanc/Ahri
  • ADC: Caitlyn
  • Support: Lux/Karma

League of Legends Clash best team comps 1


You’re always looking to play in the Caitlyn lane, more than any other. You don’t have to gank them, but make sure they don’t get punished by the opposing team. Caitlyn and Lux’s range can be used to siege the enemy tower, take the plates, and snowball from there. The dragons are easy to obtain due to the high priority.

In the middle game, the team must keep sieging the other turrets while Leblanc and the jungler look for potential picks on enemies contesting a push or farming on side lanes. The top laner should always stay on the side lane and teleport into the fight.


We discussed how important it is for Caitlyn to snowball with this team comp, so the team must ensure she is not punished in the process. Long-range engagers such as Zac or Sejuani should be banned, and proper vision control should be maintained at all times around the bot lane. It will disadvantage the top laner because mid and jungle will have to hover bot the majority of the time, but it will be worth the sacrifice to win the game.

Jinx carry comp (Front-to-Back)

Ideal Champs & Substitutions:

  • Top: Sion/K’Sante
  • Jungle: Lee Sin/Jarvan IV
  • Mid: Syndra/Orianna
  • ADC: Jinx
  • Support: Thresh/Nautilus

League of Legends Clash best team comps 2


The majority of the composition revolves around Jinx, who will be the primary damage carrier during teamfights. You’ll have a strong frontline with a big tank and a bruiser champion, a strong teamfight control mage, and a support who can make picks or protect the carries. Overall, it’s one of the most well-balanced team competitions available right now.


If you’re getting shut down in your strongest lanes, this comp becomes difficult to play. The tank top laner will be unable to carry the game alone, and strong opponents will be aware of this. Jinx must also be cautious with her positioning.

Pick-to-fight comp

Ideal Champs & Substitutions:

  • Top: Kennen
  • Jungle: Wukong/Vi
  • Mid: Lissandra
  • ADC: Lucian
  • Support: Nami/Milio

League of Legends Clash best team comps 3


This team comp is also playing through the bot lane, hoping to snowball the Lucian-Nami duo. You should be able to win most fights with a strong skirmishing jungler, and you can also set up potential dives with Lissandra. If you gain a significant lead, try to extend it by capturing all neutral objectives and taking down turrets.


It’s critical not to fall behind in this team competition. Otherwise, you’ll struggle and won’t be able to take down the targets with your combos. This comp is also vulnerable to long-range poke: you must find a way to draw them in.

The Kite Back comp

Ideal Champs & Substitutions:

  • Top: K’Sante/Gragas (flex with jungle)
  • Jungle: Viego/Lee Sin
  • Mid: Gragas/Veigar
  • ADC: Xayah
  • Support: Rakan/Nautilus


In this team composition, Xayah serves as the primary carry, with a two-item boost once she closes out the Navori Quickblade. Depending on which option you choose, the secondary carry will be Viego or Veigar. The true strength of this team comp comes from its ability to teamfight, as killing Xayah, who will melt through the entire enemy team, will be nearly impossible.


Do not choose this composition when facing long-range attacks, as the champions’ range is quite short. If you’re playing Veigar mid, keep in mind that the opponent’s early game is not particularly strong, so avoid playing too aggressively and wait for both carries to scale.

Zeri comp

Ideal Champs & Substitutions:

  • Top: Sion/Ornn
  • Jungle: Sejuani/Vi
  • Mid: Viktor
  • ADC: Zeri
  • Support: Yuumi/Lulu


With proper communication, Zeri’s chances of being caught are much lower, allowing her to dominate teamfights with her constant kiting and DPS.

You’ll win the majority of late-game teamfights thanks to a strong frontline and a strong scaling mage like Viktor. Focus on the same targets and eliminate them one by one. In this case, the jungler is usually the one who decides who to hit with their ultimate.


If you enjoy playing aggressively, this is one of the team competitions to avoid. In most scenarios, you’ll be a sitting duck, and unless you’re mechanically stronger than them, you won’t be able to win early skirmishes.

4-1 Comp

Ideal Champs & Substitutions:

  • Top: Jax/Fiora
  • Jungle: Lee Sin/Sejuani
  • Mid: Taliyah/Veigar
  • ADC: Aphelios
  • Support: Nautilus/Thresh


This 4-1 comp has excellent disengage tools thanks to Taliyah/Veigar, and you can also stop any potential engage with Lee Sin’s kick or Sejuani’s ultimate. You’ll have enough damage to shred through most targets later in the game as long as Aphelios isn’t caught. All while Jax or Fiora is annihilating the enemies on the side lane.


This is one of the most unforgiving lineups: one critical mistake can shift the entire momentum in the opponent’s favor.
