Know Your Legal Scope If You Are A Victim Of Injuries Caused By Cosmetics 

Your cosmetic goods may be the last item in your home that you would imagine hurting you. However, defective cosmetics and personal care products have targeted countless liability claims. Cosmetics may include various toxic elements, including lead and chemicals, which can significantly affect one’s health. Find out how to defend your rights if you think a cosmetic product has injured you.

Products that affect consumers and are susceptible to lawsuits

In the US, consumer litigation over cosmetic items has been around for a while. The vast cosmetics market has millions of unique goods available to customers. Numerous items have harmed customers’ health and resulted in legal action. If any form of cosmetic or hygiene product caused you harm, you might have a case:

  • Sanitary items
  • Female-centric  products
  • Fragrances
  • Eye and face makeup
  • Hair care items
  • Hair colors
  • Henna body art
  • Lipstick
  • Lotions
  • Permanent makeup
  • Self-tanners
  • Organic cosmetics
  • Sunscreen lotions 
  • Talc for adults and baby powder

Cosmetics with flaws may include wrong expiry dates, failure to identify all components, contain harmful substances, failure to inform customers of recognized hazards, or mislead the truth. EOS, Unilever, Avon, Sephora, and Rodan & Fields are just a few cosmetic companies, to mention, that are now the focus of lawsuits over allegedly defective products.

How does the FDA regulate cosmetic items? 

Most goods sold to consumers are subject to strict regulation by the FDA. With a few exceptions, however, cosmetic items and their contents are not required by federal law to receive FDA safety certification before they are put on the market. However, the cosmetics company’s legal duty is to ensure that its goods are secure. Sadly, a lack of FDA oversight has resulted in several businesses launching hazardous products.

Cosmetic and personal hygiene products and health issues

Customers’ health may be negatively impacted by cosmetics, personal care, and hygiene goods that include hazardous components or chemicals. Years of using these items might result in the body accumulating chemicals that can lead to health problems, including birth abnormalities in expectant mothers. Occasionally, a faulty cosmetic item could result in an acute reaction, such as a skin rash. Over the years, complaints from consumers have been made regarding a wide range of health problems brought on by cosmetics:

  • Allergic responses
  • Asthma
  • Birth flaws
  • Illness relating to lead, and asbestos 
  • Mammary cancer
  • Cancer and cell damage
  • Illness due to toxic ingredients
  • Hair fall
  • Infertility
  • Harm to the liver, kidneys, and other organs
  • Respiratory illness 
  • Skin irritation and damage

Cosmetics focusing on cosmetic liability cases in Evansville might include ingredients like artificial substances, perfume, lead, parabens, latex, formaldehyde, plastics, aluminum, pesticides, color additives, hydroxy acids, asbestos, and phthalates that are likely to harm one’s health. A cosmetics firm might be held responsible for associated health problems if it is not open and honest about its products or utilizes compounds with known health dangers without informing clients.

What to do, if a cosmetic product leads to a health problem? 

You might be able to bring a product liability claim against the manufacturer if you were hurt by a cosmetics or hygiene product that was made improperly. Talk to a personal injury attorney in Evansville as you will need to demonstrate that you used the product as the manufacturer designed, that it had a fault and that the defect resulted in your damage or sickness to succeed in this claim.

You won’t need to show the plaintiff knew or must have known that the item was hazardous to win a strict liability lawsuit. You need to show that the product has a dangerous flaw.

However, in a negligence claim, your lawyer must prove that the cosmetics maker violated their duty of care.

A product liability case may reveal harmful actions by a cosmetics manufacturer. This may compel the business to alter its methods, perhaps saving more customers. A successful lawsuit may compensate you for other damages, including incurred legal fees, medical costs, physical discomfort, and mental anguish.

Over to you

Awareness is the first step toward prevention. Instead of following trends, celebrities and ads, try to know the ingredients mentioned in the cosmetic body to avoid a few allergies or harmful effects.