Emma Stone Feels Sad That She’s Never Grown Curves

Emma Stone is sad that her body isn’t curvacious. When she was younger she looked forward to growing some natural curves but as she grew up she realized it wasn’t happening and she’s now convinced that she has the body of a ten year old. Emma knows that it simply isn’t going to happen for her now but she wishes she was able to add to her own body with some extra curves if she could:

”Well, I was kind of born with a 10-year-old boy’s body. For years, I was like: ‘Please let me grow some kind of curvature!’ But it did not happen. I mean, I’ve kind of given up the ghost on that one. It’s not happening… I wish. I’d kill for some cha-chas and a tuckus!”

Speaking on her beauty must haves, Emma reveals her top three favourite cosmetic items that she needs on a daily basis, one of them being moisturiser because she has very dry skin and needs to smooth on layers of the stuff during the day or her skin even begins to crack:

”Usually [my top three make-up items are] some foundation, some concealer, and mascara. And a lot of moisturiser. I put it on throughout the day. I just add it on on top of whatever I’m wearing. I don’t know if it looks weird, but I do it anyway, because my skin is so dry that it can actually crack. It’s bad. And this coffee is really helping… so yeah, I’m diligent about hydration.”