Carey Mulligan Looks Like an Eccentric Bag Lady in West Hollywood

British actress Carey Mulligan was spotted hanging out in West Hollywood. Carey recently wed that shy dude from ‘Mumford & Sons’ so she should be looking happy and in a state of ecstasy right now, but she looks the opposite. It isn’t just the pretty bad style going on here – this could actually look cool, and sort of does, but something is missing, and the end result is eccentric bag lady instead of rockstar girlfriend meets potential Oscar winner, which is what she’s going for, right? The red maxi-dress isn’t hugely flattering and hangs off her like a potato sack, while the John Lennon glasses and very disheveled hair don’t help matters – she looks like she should be some old hippie lady who hangs out with Goldie Hawn sometimes.

Carey is normally a big icon and regularly looks polished and pretty on the red carpet, but this particular look is messy and not in a cool, boho relaxed way, because it seems genuinely messy instead of intentionally so, duh. Carey may be enjoying marital bliss, but her cool style is one of her unique selling points and she seems to be letting things slide into a weird mumsy zone of no return (just ask Jennifer Garner all about it). Have we lost another good one?