BitLife Guide – What is a STEM degree & How to get it

bitlife stem degree

What is a STEM degree in Bitlife? How do you get one? What can you do with one once you have it? All these questions will be answered in this guide.

BitLife Guide – What exactly is a STEM degree?

STEM refers to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; a STEM degree in Bitlife indicates that you have completed advanced study in one of these areas.

You will need a STEM degree to become an astronaut.

BitLife Guide – How to get a STEM degree

Though it’s common to assume that a STEM degree necessitates coursework in all four areas, this isn’t the case. In fact, you only need to focus on one.

To obtain this degree, your character must attend college and specialize in a STEM field. Majors such as mathematics, information systems, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and engineering are all appropriate. Each of these disciplines is a subset of the larger STEM field and thus counts toward the degree requirement.

Your character will receive a STEM degree after successfully graduating from their chosen field. This significant accomplishment opens the door to new professional opportunities, such as attendance at the Space Academy. From there, your character could rise through the ranks and even pursue a thrilling career as an astronaut.

That is all there is to know about STEM degrees in Bitlife.
