Apex Legends Season 18 Tier List: Who Reigns Supreme? (August 2023)

Apex Legends Legend Tier List august 2023

With Apex Legends’ ever-evolving meta, it’s time to break down the Apex Legends Season 18 Tier List to see how each character stacks up in the current state of the game.

Apex Legends Season 18 Tier List – August 2023

Tier Characters
S Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Wraith
A Ash, Ballistic, Catalyst, Mad Maggie, Newcastle, Octane, Pathfinder, Valkyrie, Vantage
B Bangalore, Crypto, Horizon, Loba, Rampart, Revenant, Wattson
C Caustic, Fuse, Lifeline, Seer
D Mirage

Here’s a breakdown of the current Apex Legends Legend Tier List, along with brief descriptions of each legend’s main strengths and abilities.

S-Tier Legends

  • Bloodhound: An exceptional recon character with abilities that allow tracking enemies, revealing their locations through walls, and providing valuable insights to the team.
  • Gibraltar: A defensive powerhouse with a gun shield, deployable bubble shield, and a devastating ultimate that inflicts area damage and denies opponents’ movement.
  • Wraith: Known for her mobility and utility, Wraith’s tactical ability grants her invulnerability and speed boost, while her ultimate offers repositioning capabilities for the entire squad.

A-Tier Legends

  • Ash: Excellent for flanking and map control, with a tactical for blocking paths, an ultimate for quick repositioning, and the ability to track player deaths.
  • Ballistic: Newcomer with the ability to heat up enemies’ guns, carry an extra gun, and provide powerful buffs through his ultimate.
  • Catalyst: Provides defensive options with ferrofluid-based abilities, including a shield, a large wall, and the ability to block doors.
  • Mad Maggie: A strong pick for aggressive playstyle, featuring abilities that scan enemies, flush them out of cover, and provide speed boosts through her ultimate.
  • Newcastle: Specializes in protection and area denial with abilities like shield spawning, deployable energy shield, and a leaping wall for team cover.
  • Octane: Offers constant speed with his tactical ability, a jump pad for mobility, and is perfect for fast and aggressive gameplay.
  • Pathfinder: Loved for his grappling hook and ultimate’s mobility, ideal for repositioning and traversing the map.
  • Valkyrie: Utilizes a jetpack for unparalleled movement, stunning enemies with her tactical, and repositioning the team with her ultimate.
  • Vantage: Offers team utility with her tactical positioning, ultimate sniper rifle, and the ability to mark enemies for extra damage.

B-Tier Legends

  • Bangalore: Balanced legend with quick movement when shot, outdoor area denial ultimate, and smoke for cover.
  • Crypto: Receiving buffs for more versatility, capable in both aggressive and passive situations.
  • Horizon: Offers unique mobility and high-fall immunity, but her ultimate can be situational.
  • Loba: A loot-focused legend with a shop ultimate, though not strong in combat.
  • Rampart: Buffed to offer better cover and firepower with amped walls and a mobile ultimate.
  • Revenant: Recently reworked, with improved mobility and the ability to mark low-health enemies.
  • Wattson: A defensive option with electrified fences and shield-recharging ultimate.

C-Tier Legends

  • Caustic: Known for area denial, but nerfs and large hitbox make him less effective.
  • Fuse: Good for area denial, but the rest of his kit lacks impact.
  • Lifeline: Recently buffed with improved revive speed and care package deployment.
  • Seer: Strong start but received nerfs, making him less effective in various situations.

D-Tier Legend

  • Mirage: While fun, Mirage lacks team utility and mobility, making him challenging to recommend.

This tier list highlights the strengths and abilities of each Apex Legends legend, providing insights into their roles and potential team compositions. Remember that the effectiveness of each legend can vary based on personal playstyle and team synergy. Choose the legend that suits your preferences and complements your squad’s strategy for the best results on the battlefield.
