All working Animal Crossing New Horizons Treasure Island codes (April 2024)

Working Animal Crossing treasure island codes

Here you’ll find the current working Treasure Island codes and instructions for redeeming them in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

All working Animal Crossing Treasure Island codes

  • None available.

All expired Animal Crossing Treasure Island codes

  • 1GVJG
  • 3845F
  • 48D59
  • 59HNJ
  • 66VNF
  • 734GR
  • 9JQ07
  • D982X
  • F0VWW
  • FR5YV

How to redeem them

To redeem the Treasure Island codes and embark on exciting adventures, follow these simple steps:

  • Launch the game on your Nintendo Switch.
  • Make your way to Dodo Airlines airport.
  • Interact with Orville, the helpful Dodo.
  • Choose the Search via Dodo Code option.
  • Enter the Island code provided by your friend or the active code you obtained.

  • Confirm your selection and prepare to travel to the desired island.
  • Once you arrive, set out to explore and gather all the treasures and goodies that await you.

Unleash your inner explorer and make the most of these Treasure Island codes in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Remember, each island holds its own unique surprises, waiting to be uncovered. Enjoy your travels, and may your island flourish with newfound treasures!

About Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a social simulation game for the Nintendo Switch that was released in 2020. It is the series’ fifth main entry. The player controls a character in New Horizons, who moves to a deserted island after purchasing a getaway package from Tom Nook, completes assigned tasks, and develops the island as they see fit. They can gather and craft items, personalize the island, and turn it into an anthropomorphic animal community.
