5 of Felicity Jones’ Makeup, Skin& Beauty Secrets

British actress Felicity Jones is always so elegant while on the red carpet, and now she has explained how she picks makeup. Preferring to place an emphasis on her eyes but also a lipstick fan, Felicity isn’t afraid to try out beauty trends and loves the transformative quality makeup has. She has also learnt over the years to match her makeup to her outfit and is doing a better job at looking after her skin, especially when travelling. Here are some of her best makeup, skin and general beauty secrets!


  1. She Uses Makeup to Transform Herself

5 of Felicity Jones’ Makeup, Skin & Beauty Secrets

Felicity loves how makeup can be used to change a person’s image: “As an actress, makeup can change your face and help you to create characters. That’s when you realize just how exciting it can be, how something as simple as combing your brows in a different way can change you. I’ve always liked the idea of the face and body as a blank canvas.”