5 Celebs Speak on Deciding to Revamp Their Careers

No one can have a completely flawless career (even the best actors have been in a flop or two) and these 5 celebs all reached a point where they felt they were simply stuck in a rut, bored of what they were doing and needed to make a change. Deciding to revamp their career by going in a new direction, these stars have spoken on what made them change the way they were working.

Angelina Jolie


Angelina felt bored of her work: “There have been times in my career when I’ve gotten bored and sloppy. But I’ve done my best to listen to my gut. Because I feel you can do whatever you want in this life. So long as you don’t hurt anybody, you can do anything.”

Ben Affleck

Ben felt he was no longer offering something interesting as an actor and needed to change: “I had some stuff work, and some stuff didn’t, and I ran afoul of the press a little bit. It caused me to question, ‘What do I want to do in this industry? Do I have anything to offer? What should I be doing? How can I best express myself?'”

Clive Owen

Clive felt he lost sight of what is important: “There’s a little period in my career where I kind of lost sight of it a little bit. Acting, like a lot of things in life, is so much about appetite—wanting to do it, feeling you can do it, feeling like you’ve got something to do. An appetite, a hunger for it. You start making choices based on a career, a “career move”—I don’t even know what that is—thinking that’s the right thing to do or whatever. I don’t function very well if I just respond to the material goal.”


Matthew McConaughey

Matthew was tired of the same kind of roles: “I would never say I was done but sometimes I felt less challenged than I should have and I think you need a healthy amount of pressure to progress. I don’t think I’ll go back there unless I find something that really turns me on. I kept getting scripts that I’d done over and over and over.”

Reese Witherspoon

Reese felt she was no longer connecting with the audience: ”I was just kind of floundering career-wise … I wasn’t making things I was passionate about. And it was really clear that audiences weren’t responding to anything I was putting out there.”