5 Celebrities Who Have Selective Eating Disorder

Selective Eating Disorder is extremely common and is most often developed from childhood. Avoiding a lot of certain foods you just don’t like the taste of, people with this disorder just stick to their favorite meals and aren’t open to trying new culinary delights. Although many people grow out of their Selective Eating Disorder as they mature, others never move past it and continue to be extremely hard to please when it comes to whipping them up something to eat. Here is what 5 celebrities have said about their own restricted eating habits.

Daniel Radcliffe


Daniel doesn’t like to try new foods: “I’m a very unadventurous eater… This is one of the things I could never admit to while I was on Harry Potter, but I’m very bad at fruit and vegetables. I basically have the diet of a 19th century Irish navvy (labourer), apart from the litre of stout a day. It’s meat and potatoes and bread and cheese: those are my four food groups.”