Kim Kardashian is Worried Her Fans Don’t Like Her Anymore


Kim Kardashian is nervous her fans are bored of her according to reports. Since giving birth to baby North, Kim has been living a quiet lifestyle and has yet to be seen in public. The reality star believes her fans have grown bored of waiting for her to return to the spotlight even though she had planned to wait until she was back in top shape before debuting her new look:

“Kim has had this plan to show off how great she looks after giving birth and selling the pictures or videos for a lot of money, but she’s getting worried that it’s been too long and people aren’t as excited about seeing her anymore.”

Kim also thinks people care less about her recently and she believes her fans are slowly moving away from following her so intensively. She was disappointed by how little attention she got when she gave birth and she’s beginning to think that her career break may actually be the end of her career:

“Kim is used to having millions of adoring fans begging to see her all the time, but there has been a shift in her fan base and she’s getting nervous that people don’t care as much about her. After all the excitement the whole world had for Kate Middleton’s royal baby Kim had hoped that people would care about her that much, but now she’s freaking out that they’re not.”

The source adds that Kim is terrified she’ll be forgotten:

“Kim’s scared that she is going to be forgotten and that she won’t be the most famous mom anymore.”