5 Celebrities Speak on Some Fans Who Go Too Far!

Avril Lavigne

Avril has seen tattoos of her own face: “Lots of fans have the same tattoos I’ve had done, but I have seen portraits of myself. They looked like me. That’s the most important thing, isn’t it? One guy had a black-and-white portrait of my face on his shoulder. Is it weird? Yeah but it’s pretty incredible. It makes you think, ‘Wow my music has had an impact on their life – someone is really dedicated.”

Demi Lovato

Demi often feels overwhelmed when surrounded by fans who want to get close to her: “Sometimes a fan will come up and automatically put their arms around me and I just shut down and start hyperventilating. I don’t want to sound like a d**k or a diva, but I really do have anxiety problems. If I get stuck in a crowd, I’ll start to think, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to die! Something’s going to go wrong and someone’s going to stab me’. There was a time when people started trying to kiss me, or creeps would buy backstage passes and reach for my face and try to make out with me. That was completely violating, and ever since then, I always fear what someone is going to do when they come up to me.”